back of woman using cc rowing slides

My name is Mario, we are located in the Los Angeles, California area.  CC Rowing Slides were thought of, designed, and built  out of necessity.

I had a Concept2 Model D rower and was interested in using Concept2 slides. Concept2 slides created a great row, and I fell in love with how they made my rowing mechanics smoother and gave me that “on the water feel.” Now I won’t use the erg without slides.

Concept2 slides are great, built like tanks, and will probably last longer than your rower. However, the real issue I had with the Concept2 sliders was space. The room I row in is very small, and the Concept2 slides barely fit in the space.

That is when the thought of having smaller slides came to mind.  I didn’t need most of the material on my C2 slides, so I  cut up my pair and started on an adventure in my machine shop.  The smaller version of the slides that I made worked just as well.


After the cut-down version of the original slides, I started on the 1st of over 10 prototypes, which led to this current design.

The other necessity for developing CC Rowing slides was portability.  The pair of slides weighs a total of 16.5 lbs.  The design minimized the material so they weigh less and take up less space, while still being functional.

man holding cc rowing slide for concept2 rowing machine